
For membership ($24), use this membership application (in English, Spanish, Mandarin and Cantonese)For CFCCN Membership expires Oct 31, 2025, application LINK 

  • 100 Members of San Francisco Family Child Care Association getting dual membership (fill out membership form, but do not include a payment)

An Invitation to Come Aboard!

Dear California Family Child Care Providers,

The new statewide California Family Child Care Network (CFCCN) wants to have you on board. We know the joys and challenges of our work and the value we bring to children, families and communities.

As family child care providers, we make the world a better place and we deserve to be acknowledged, heard and supported. Our early childhood education field is changing rapidly and if we stay connected, informed and active, we can make sure that family child care plays a significant role every step of the way.

Please join, tell other providers about CFCCN and encourage them to become members. The more members we have, the more we can do. The membership form is attached. At the very low fee of $24.00/year, every provider and their regular assistants can join.

We want to hear from you, your thoughts, ideas and question. Tell us what’s going on in your city and county. We intend to make CFCCN the one trusted “go to” place for California’s family child care providers. You may email us at

Benefits of Membership:

  • Annual Forum discount
  • E-mails on matters relevant to family child care
  • Newsletters and bulletins
  • Knowledgeable leaders for support and problem solving
  • Statewide networking for California family child care providers


CFCCN Bylaws Section 6.02 Classes and Qualifications of Members

The classes and qualifications for membership in the Organization are as follows:

a)      Regular membership:  A regular member is one who currently holds or previously held a valid family child care license within the state of California. Regular members pay dues and have voting rights.

b)      Employee membership: An employee member must be a regular employee of a licensed family child care provider.  Employee members pay dues and have voting rights.

c)  Honorary membership:  An honorary membership is open to individuals who have made significant contribution to family child care.  Honorary members pay no dues and have no voting rights.

d)  Director membership: A director membership is open to persons who have been elected to the board of directors and who are currently serving a term on the board of directors.  Director members shall have dues waived and have voting rights.