Hosting Capacity Zooms and Workgroups: In response to an overwhelming interest, on 6/26/23, CFCCN began hosting zooms regarding ages, ratios and capacity, but has not endorsed a particular proposal at this time. The FCC Capacity Workgroup is still gathering information about FCC's ideas, best practices, current laws and regulations. The goal is that FCCs will learn how to draft and advocate for responsible ratio, age range and capacity laws and regulations that will be more beneficial for children, families, caregivers and the community.
Disclaimer: The CFCCN Workgroup has not yet endorsed any particular models, Facebook Pages, PowerPoints, letters, petitions or legislative bills.
Safe Sleep Regulations: The Safe Sleep Regulations were approved by the Office of Administrative Law and effective as of August 19, 2020. We had submitted many comments during the comment period. Amendments were made that will allow assistants to help meet new requirements. We were not successful in persuading the Department of Social Services to limit 15 minute sleep inspections to children under one year of age. Some requirements are for infants under one year, some are for infants up to age 2 years and some are for all children in care. To see the regulations that begin on page 10, go here. To see new form required for infants under 12 months of age, go here.
Passage of SB234: Legislation was passed that will prohibit discrimination against FCC by landlords, homeowner's associations, cities and counties. Effective 1/1/20, business licenses, zoning permits and business taxes/fees are now prohibited. Fire permits for large FCC and Title 22 regulation requirements for all FCC are still in effect.
More Languages: We have written many letters to Licensing to ask for access to Licensing information in more languages. We see that Licensing's regulation manuals have now been updated. English in September of 2020 and Spanish in April of 2020. As of September, 2020, only the English version includes the new Safe Sleep regulations. See our links to these manuals on our "Provider Resources" page.
CFCCN is making flyers available about language exemptions for the Mandated Reporter Training that is required per AB 1207. We decided that we should be proactive and make sure providers know that they may be exempt from the requirement to take the training. People who have difficulty understanding English are not required to take the training if it only available in English. Oscar Tang, our Asian Outreach Chair developed a flyer in Chinese and in English with the help of the Child Care Law Center. Yessika Magdalen, our Hispanic Outreach Chair translated the flyer into Spanish.
Providers should know about this exemption. Please pass our flyers along.
Mandated Reporter Training Exemption Flyer in English
Mandated Reporter Training Exemption Flyer in Spanish
Mandated Reporter Training Exemption Flyer in Chinese
QRIS: We are also involved in work that should lead to improvements for the Quality Rating Improvement System (QRIS) in California.
FCC Campaign: In 2018, we offered a state-wide Family Child Care Campaign.
Annual Forums: We hold annual Forums and offer workshops and keynotes that will help FCCEs offer and sustain quality programs.
Facebook Pages: CFCCN has both a public and a private Facebook page. Click on here to view the public Facebook page. Click here to request permission to join the private Facebook page.